Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Press start to continue...

Greetings and welcome to Filtered Pixels!!! Here you will find all the mish-mashed video game musings that I allow to fall from my mind onto my keyboard and finally fill the electronic glow of your computer screen (or screens, if anyone other than my loving girlfriend decides to devote their time to this nonsense). With this blog, I am proud to be the VERY first person on the entirety of the World Wide Web (or Information Superhighway, as the kids call it these days) to provide video game news, reviews, previews and whatever else I deem fit to publish (e.g. pictures of animals I hope one day to possess or consume), all through the discerning eye of Forrest Thompson. "Who is Forrest Thompson, and why do I care?" you may ask yourself and the answer to that question is "NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS!!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, ASKING A QUESTION LIKE THAT?!?! HE DIDN'T DO NOTHIN' TO NOBODY, JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE ALREADY, CHRIST ALMIGHTY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!" So...now that we're all acquainted, let's sit back, relax and enjoy my insanely intelligent and well informed blog of all that I hold dear in this world: Video Games (except, of course, the sole reader of this blog: Captain Girlfriend).

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